Improve Reliability for Safety Systems

Make critical improvements to workplace safety with this dedicated module for firefighting and safety asset management.

With Antea F&S you can view and access all data for assets like extinguishers, monitors, fire detection and water extinguishing systems.

View the entire system on a topographical map, click on any asset of interest, and immediately access the full history or inspection scheduling. Organize datasheets easily and optimize inspections with 3D scans.

When combined with modules like risk based inspection (RBI), inspection data management system (IDMS), or integrity operating windows (IOW) you can extend inspection intervals, reducing inspection frequency and costs.

Leverage RBI to determine inspection scheduling according to risk-based intervals instead of time-based intervals. This significantly lowers the likelihood of failure and unplanned shutdown.

Leverage IOW to set pre-defined safe operating limits on your assets. Receive instant notifications the moment those limits are breached. This enables you to move from reactive maintenance to predictive maintenance.

Learn more about our data management as a service (DMS) to discover options for onsite and remote resource deployment. This keeps your database optimized while freeing up time and resources for your team.

Let's get in touch

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